Rosa Rufo of WindwardFord and Gus Soderholm of Soderholm Mobility pose with Shaun and Renee Brewer, and ALSFH President Robillard and Secretary Ronaele Whittington. Rufo also won Best Costume fun prize as a 50’s bowler.

November 20, 2018, Kailua, HI.  The first public fundraiser that ALSFH held at the historic Pali Lanes on Saturday, November 10, 2018 in Kailua was described as “successful.”  A grateful and smiling ALSFH President Divina Robillard said,”The rest of the board was reluctant at first because of what looked like a lot of work to be done in so little time. And it was work we had never done before!  But they eventually came around and it got done!”  The marketing and promotion lessons learned from the fundraiser are invaluable and will serve to inform future events that require public participation. “Sometimes baptisms of fire are necessary,” mused Robillard.

Gratitude trophies and fun awards

The fundraiser attracted the early support of Soderholm Mobility, Windward Ford of Kailua, and Dr. and Mrs. Fortunato Elizaga as Lane Sponsors. Hawaiian Islands Medical sponsored a team from ALS families. Lane sponsorship benefits included two games of bowling for a team of 6 bowlers in 2.5 hours with free shoe rental, acknowledgement in signage and local promotion, display of banners during the event, and appreciation trophies.  Gift certificates from 24Hour Fitness, HomeQuest Realty, Big City Diner, 7-11, and MW Restaurant were among the fun prizes. Donations were also sent by persons and entities unable to participate. Fun medals for Best Costume, First Strike, and Most Individual Cumulative Score were also awarded.


Spouse caregiver Sandy Repczynski, ALSFH Treasurer Katherine O’Connor, and volunteer Faye Kimura at registration table for the evening shift.

Volunteer Faye Kimura said, “It was fun. A good learning experience!” The fundraiser raised more than $5,000. “It is always good when you make more money than just break even. It was a lot of hard work but it came with lots of valuable lessons. It was a win, in my book,” says a happy Robillard.

ALSFH thanks its sponsors, donors, volunteers, and players for making their first public fundraiser the “wealth’ it has become, in many ways.

UPCN Class of 1976 sponsored the kids from the Central 7th Day Adventist Youth Program of Pastor JR Bonilla

Hawaii Islands Medical sponsorship sponsored the Fuimaono kids Zac, Samantha, and Sophronia, here with Mama Mona. Zac won the First Strike medal.