
ALSFH Board Meets with Hawaii LG Green and St. Francis CEO Jerry Correa

July 20, 2020, Kailua. Last month, our ALSFH Board of Directors met with both Lieutenant Governor Josh Green and St. Francis Healthcare System CEO/President Jerry Correa via Zoom to discuss the next steps towards an ALS Residence in Hawaii. After approval of ALSFH non-profit status in 2107, Board members Robillard, O’Connor, and Whittington met with Correa following the ALS Residence Initiative (ALSRI) recommendation for partnership with a non-profit, respected skilled nursing facility which shall provide the care required in an…

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Follow-up Meeting with Lieutenant Governor Josh Green

May 11, 2019, Honolulu, HI.  A follow-up meeting following the short encounter with Lieutenant Governor (LG) Josh Green on Friday of the Governor Proclamation was intensely gratifying to those who were present: Shaun Brewer, an Army veteran with ALS; Brandi, his paid caregiver; Katherine O’Connor, ALSFH Treasurer, and I. In the hour-long meeting at the LG’S comfortable meeting room with a wall-long stunning view of downtown Honolulu, we discussed the different options for location and sponsorship for an ALS Hale…

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Dr. Matteo Zallio: “ALS Residence should make resident feel he is outside even when indoors.”

24 April 2019, Kailua, HI.  Dr. Matteo Zallio presented a talk on “Lifelong housing design: user feedback evaluation of smart objects and accessible housing for older adults” yesterday, which Ronaele and I attended.  It was held at Gartley Hall 018 at the University of Hawaii.  Dr. Zallio is currently on Oahu as guest of the UH Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work (SSW) Center on Aging and the UH School of Architecture.  He is a Fulbright Researcher at Stanford…

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Amateur Writers Convene for Book Project

August 7, 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii. A group of amateur writers started meeting with UH Professor Emeritus Virgie Chattergy to develop a book focusing on experiences living with ALS.  As of this writing, group membership consists of Ronaele Whittington, Justin Hendrix, Rita Melville Alarcon, Catherine Sophian, Alexa-Rae Telan, and Divina Telan Robillard. Last year, the Filipino Association of University Women (FAUW) published an anthology of essays entitled, “Pinay: Culture Bearers of the Filipino Diaspora.” It was edited by Professor Chattergy and…

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Board Advocates for Vets with ALS

July 11, 2018, Honolulu.  The ALSFH Board met this afternoon with US Senator Mazie Hirono’s Hawaii-based staffer, Carlos Santana, to share the Eden Alternative (EA) philosophy on which the ALS Residence model is based. Senator Hirono is a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs committee. Eden Alternative promotes growth and development throughout all stages of life. According to EA, the “three plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom account for the bulk of suffering in a human community.” The ALSFH strongly advocates…

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