May 11, 2019, Honolulu, HI. A follow-up meeting following the short encounter with Lieutenant Governor (LG) Josh Green on Friday of the Governor Proclamation was intensely gratifying to those who were present: Shaun Brewer, an Army veteran with ALS; Brandi, his paid caregiver; Katherine O’Connor, ALSFH Treasurer, and I.

In the hour-long meeting at the LG’S comfortable meeting room with a wall-long stunning view of downtown Honolulu, we discussed the different options for location and sponsorship for an ALS Hale (Residence) and ways to secure one going forward. Tentative plans were discussed for LG Green to visit the two prototype ALS Residences in Chelsea, MA in September. The Residences which are operated under the auspices of the Chelsea Jewish Foundation. Other items discussed were improvements in VA assistance for veterans with ALS, assisting pALS in public housing, travel assistance, and other specific concerns.

Josh Green is the recently elected LG to David Ige’s Governor. Green was a former senator and a medical doctor. Aside from his medical background, his understanding of ALS and empathy with pALS stem from having an aunt who passed away with the disease while in medical school.