
My grandpa, Frank Lamson, is my hero.

What is a hero? To me, a hero is a special person who dedicates himself to helping others, even if it means putting himself at risk. A hero doesn’t have to have super powers; he can be a regular, normal person. What makes him stand out is not flying or super strength; it’s the difference he makes in people’s lives.

One of the many reasons why Grandpa Frank is my hero is because of his service to his country, abused children, and veterans. My grandpa retired from the Air Force after twenty-two years of service. During his service in the Air Force, he took part in the Vietnam War. After leaving the Air Force, my grandpa decided to work for the State of Hawaii protecting abused children. For twenty-two years, he protected children from abuse or neglect and even became a foster parent to some of them. During his service, protecting children, he became part of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). In the VFW, he accomplished many things as he fought for veteran’s rights. He became the VFW Commander for the State of Hawaii. Because of this accomplishment, my grandpa got to meet former President George W. Bush in person! He also was the top recruiter in the state. He was even elected National Councilman representing veterans nationwide!

Another reason why my grandfather is my hero is because of his character. My grandpa has many outstanding traits that make him heroic. First of all, my grandpa is selfless. He always puts others before himself. Throughout his life, he has put his country, children, and veterans before him. Secondly, my grandfather is loving. Because he always tells us that we were amazing children, he helped us build our confidence and self-esteem. If he were still able to speak, I know he would be proudly sharing about his family to everyone he meets.

Finally, my grandpa is courageous. He protected his country and everyone in it through his service in the military. He also fought throat cancer and won. When he had throat cancer, he didn’t see himself as a victim, but as a survivor. He is now battling with ALS. This battle is the most important fight of his life. But my grandpa approaches it with a positive attitude. He is always smiling and appreciates the fact that he is still here on Earth. Because of this disease, he has to stay in a nursing home until it is safe for him to return home.

My grandfather, Frank Lamson, is my hero. His service has taught me the importance of helping others. His character has taught me the value of life and always being positive.

Grandpa, you are a hero, MY hero.