October 25, 2018, Kailua, HI. October is traditionally celebrated as Filipino-American History month. For Leeward Community College’s Professor Raymund Liongson, a focus on the Filipino Woman is an appropriate way to understand Filipino-ness. Thus, “Pinay: the Filipina (Women) American Mind, Voice, and Power” was presented on October 18, 2018 to students and staff.

Architect Churma and Dr. Chattergy discuss their presentations. ALSFH brochures were available for the audience.
UH Professor Emeritus Dr. Virgie Chattergy discussed how the book, “Pinay: The Culture Bearers of the Filipino Diaspora,” she co-edited with Pepi Nieva was organized around Filipino cultural values: what values were perpetuated and discarded by Filipinos as they dispersed into the diaspora, and who were the culture bearers? The next speaker, Architect Rose Cruz Churma, described how the Filipino Association of University Women (FAUW), a non-profit that promotes Filipino culture in Hawaii, has developed avenues by which local and Philippine-born Filipinos expressed themselves and what it meant to be a Filipino-American in Hawaii.

Robillard shares flyer for Team and Individual Entry form for the upcoming bowlathon at the Pali Lanes on November 10.
Finally, Divina Telan Robillard recounted how her Filipino definitions of disease causation and beliefs about the spirit-world added a different, colorful dimension to her lived experience as spouse caregiver to her late husband, Professor Britt Robillard, who had ALS for 31 of their 33 years of marriage. A question/answer session followed the presentation.
All three ladies contributed a chapter to the “Pinay,” which is available through Amazon.com.