divina and Katherine with Jerry Blue, Ad Up 2019 Competition Coordinator.

10 March 2019, Kailua, HI.  On Saturday, March 2, Ad Up Hawaii held its culminating activity for its 5th Annual Ad Up Hawaii competition at Impact Hub. Every year, Ad Up – a non-profit which describes itself as an “an off-shoot of Kokua.org whose core mission has been bringing people together to support one another” – seeks to help other non-profits with their marketing concerns by providing a small grant award plus professional assistance with creating and implementing their marketing plan for the year.  Four NP’s are usually picked – from this year’s crop of almost 20 applications – and on one day, four teams (NP plus ad professionals) will present their marketing plan.  Meanwhile, throughout this day, the non-winning NP’s attend presentations by different ad professionals to help them with marketing needs.

A panel discussion during the workshop.

Katherine and Divina attended the presentations, which were anchored by local advertising professionals such as John Strandberg and Bettina Mok. They also networked with fellow non-profit staff and organizers of the competition.

This year’s winner is the Team AdSharkz which produced the marketing plan for the non-profit Hawaii Bone Marrow Registry.

ALSFH plans to submit an application for next year’s competition.


Kathy and Divina at the stage while the judges for the competition were deliberating.