July 20, 2019, Honolulu, HI. Every month for their Signature Events, Pacific Business News (PBN) features a non-profit the news journal determines best fits the theme for the event. Among others, the recognition awards inclusion of logo in the marketing instruments for the event, a display table to showcase the non-profit’s mission, lunch for two representatives from the NP, and an opportunity to network with the other participants.

After the panel session, Publisher Tammy mental and EIC A. Kam Napier pose for a picture.

On July 18, 2019, PBN featured ALSFH for its signature event “State of Well-being” which explores the issue of Promoting Wellness at the Workplace. The event was held at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom, 11am-2pm.

Three walls of the large ballroom was lined by display tables from various vendors and sponsors of the event. They included Orange Theory, Immersive Technologies, Prudential Insurance, United Health Alliance (UHA), and others.

Katherine and Ronaele engage a participant by the display table.

Located at the center of the back wall, an easel upon which the newly created poster for ALSFH was mounted and the display table were side by side. Copies of “What is ALS?” a description of the National ALS Registry, and ALSFH brochures were given out. Towards lunchtime, we pick a winner from the business card draw. Napier announced the winner – HMSA’s Well-being Programs Manager Maricel Blackwell – of a $50 gift card from local restaurant, MW, at the end of the panel session.

Early birds Divina and Ronaele sit at the display table by the new poster.

At lunchtime, BOD members were seated at the table with the event panelists and PBN Publisher, Tammy Mencel, and A. Kam Napier, Editor-in-Chief. Panelists included Asst. GM Kelley Hupp of Hale Koa Hotel, VP/Director of HR Services Derek Kanehira of Hawaii Employment Council, Wellness Ambassador Roland Manangan of UHA subsidiary Hawaii Health at Work Alliance, Sr. VP/Benefits Consulting Manager Bonnie Pang of Atlas Insurance Agency, and Founder/Managing Principal Savan Patel of Infinium Interiors.

Promptly at 1pm, Publisher Mencel welcomed the participants and opened the panel session moderated by Napier. The panelists argued that introducing wellness programs in the workplace requires culture change within individuals and in the workplace. It is also important that champions for such programs be identified and encouraged by a show support from management and employees. The Q/A following the short session zeroed in on developing financial wellness and supporting mental health wellness in the workplace.

Ed-in-chief Kam Napier with panelists Hupp, Kanehira, Manangan, Pang and Patel discuss wellness programs in the workplace.

We are very thankful to PBN for giving us the opportunity to make our business community aware of the ALSFH mission, to learn from the panel session and from observing the proceedings, and to expand our personal networks.

HMSA Well-being Programs Manager Maricel Blackwell received the MW gift certificate won from the business card draw.