8 August 2020, Kailua – In the past two years, I have been teaching in-person classses for the St Francis Healthcare Family Caregiver Program twice a year. In the beginning, Shaun and Renee Brewer would accompany me so that a pALS’s perspective would enhance the presentation. For the past two times, Sandy and John Repczynski have taken over from the Brewers. Like much of everything, the current pandemic has forced the classes to be reconfigured; instead of in-person, they will now be offered virtually via Zoom AND for FREE. In the past, a minimal registration fee was requested.
The next ALS caregiver class titled, “Living with ALS: Care and Caregiver Perspective,” will be on Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 5-7pm via Zoom. It was originally scheduled early this year as an in-person class. It will be my first virtual class presentation! I am both excited to learn using this platform and a little nervous as presentation day approaches. There is so much to learn about online teaching platforms!
FREE registration is open until the day of. Just aim your phone camera at the QR code in the part of the flier above to take you directly to the SFHS website to register.
Maylynn Wong coordinates the Caregiver Training Program. For more info related to this class and others, you can reach Maylynn at office phone 547-8138 or office cell 489-8951.