
“With Grace” Run/Walk/Roll Energizes!

           The 5th Annual “With Grace” Run/Walk/Roll went off with a bang at 8 am at Kailua Beach with a record 270 registrants making their way through Lanikai Loop. At the starting line, race coordinator, Julie Hess, stood on a cooler to thank the participants and reminded them what they were supporting – the race for a cure for ALS. After the short talk, husband Steve Hess, sounded off the horn to start the race. While…

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A Well-attended Governor Ige Proclamation!

May 11, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii.  Last Friday, May 3, a group of community supporters attended the Governor Ige Proclamation of May as ALS Awareness and ALS Families Appreciation Month. This was the biggest group thus far in the five years of celebrating May as ALS Month in Hawaii. For the first time, the Lieutenant Governor substituted  for the governor who was not available that day.  LG Josh Green is not new to ALS families concerns.  ALSFH Board members Whittington, O’Connor,…

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Mayor Caldwell Proclamation: First ALS Awareness Month Event on Oahu

May 11, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii. A small but dedicated group of ALS supporters skipped afternoon nap time to attend the 2:30 pm Mayor Caldwell Proclamation of “May as ALS Awareness and ALS Families Appreciation Month” at the Mayor’s Conference Room at Honolulu Hale. The simple ceremony was led by City Managing Director Roy Amemiya for the second time in as many years the Mayor Proclamation was held in Honolulu. After MD Amemiya received the lei from Ronaele, he asked the…

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