ALSFH Christmas Message

Christmas Caroling: A Delightful Service and Tradition**

The pandemic years certainly put a damper on a number of activities worth doing, especially those that encourage socializing and connecting with fellow human beings.  Sighs of relief were exhaled all over the world when the pandemic’s scourge was cut to a manageable level. Things are inching towards normal, including the revival of Christmas traditions that were severely verboten in the past two years.  One of these is Christmas caroling. On December 13 last year, an opportunity arose for a…

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Our Christmas Message to You: Thank You For Your Support!

At the First Christmas, Mary and Joseph’s task at hand was to find a place where the Messiah was to be born. In some ways, ALS Foundation of Hawaii has a similar mission: search for a place in which a tale of redemption could begin. People with ALS (pALS) who decide to live with ALS need a place where their potential for growth and development, may find fulfillment; not just a place to die in. Despite the relentless wretchedness of…

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On Christmas Eve

One of the most difficult things to do is to gather one’s thoughts THIS close to THE most artificial deadline of all time! Before today, all important things such as the Christmas brunch and dinner menus and what games to play this year, shall have been discussed and laid out days ago, before the store runs out of honey-glazed ham and before all the pan de sal is sold out. Preferably after Thanksgiving dinner… or maybe during Thanksgiving dinner, while…

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