At the First Christmas, Mary and Joseph’s task at hand was to find a place where the Messiah was to be born. In some ways, ALS Foundation of Hawaii has a similar mission: search for a place in which a tale of redemption could begin.

People with ALS (pALS) who decide to live with ALS need a place where their potential for growth and development, may find fulfillment; not just a place to die in. Despite the relentless wretchedness of ALS, pALS defiantly seek the good in their lives! As caregivers of our loved ones with ALS, we bore witness daily to this incredible positive attitude. We’ve also seen this same defiance in other families living with ALS. What better gift of life can we give than to support their desire thrive and prosper!

Thank you endlessly for trusting our stewardship of your donations and your faith in our work for our community.

Before 2021 ends, we’ll summarize the work of 2017 to date on our website, Starting next year, we shall report activities/ accomplishments annually. The first few years have seen our baby steps as an organization: learning to work together, establishing a presence in the community, searching for a partner, and developing our treasury. The lessons of these years will lead to a sharper, more effective focus. The pandemic may have thrown us a curve, but we have adapted to its continued presence. We hope we will continue to have your support. And if this is the first you’ve heard our cause, please consider donating. This website takes donations through PayPal. If you wish to donate your time and skill, you will not find a warmer welcome!

We wish you the promises of the first Christmas: Peace, Joy, Hope, and Love, and many more blessings for 2022!

Mele Kalikimaka, Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!

Katherine, Ronaele, and Divina